The Epic-Store-Hub respects your privacy by ensuring complete confidentiality of the information you provide to us. Only data such as email and name are stored in our database with the aim of enhancing our relationship. This allows us to consistently offer you the best products and services.
All the technology in our eCommerce is focused not only on good functionality but also on the security of user data, including personal and payment information.
Your credit card number is used solely by the payment processor and only during the purchase phase, not being stored in any way in the records after the transaction. The financial transaction is carried out solely by the payment gateway, providing total security in the purchase.
Your email address will be used solely for contact regarding your orders or the promotion and release of our site, and can be canceled by you at any time.The sharing of personal information about our customers can only occur, exclusively under court orders for investigations, as well as at the request of the customer.
If you have any doubts or suggestions regarding our privacy policy, please contact us.
The Epic-Store-Hub ensures the security of your purchase and respects your privacy.